Acting for Wykeland, Pudney Shuttleworth has let a 14,000 sqft, 10m high unit at Flemingate, Beverley to Inflatanation. Please see .The operator previously specialised in trampoline parks and having converted their Trafford Park Manchester operation to Inflatanation, made a decision that the concept has significant potential for roll out.
The Beverley venue is currently attracting 5,000 visitors each week and Richard Shuttleworth commented: "We now have another 250,000 people a year who need feeding and watering after an hour or two jumping and sliding around - needless to say, this is fantastic news for our restaurant operators at Flemingate and complements the 6 screen cinema, ensuring leisure footfall is provided at all time of day and during the evening".
There are two further restaurant opportunities available at Flemingate. Please call Richard Shuttleworth, Tom Hodgson, or Will Hepplewhite for further details.
